Did you know that we buy all sorts of items at Capital Pawn? We are always looking for gold and silver whether it is old, ugly, and broken; or beautiful, contemporary, and wearable; or a combination of those qualities, our qualified brokers will take a look at your items and assess how much Capital Pawn will loan on them or how much cash we will pay for the items. Capital Pawn also purchases DVDs, gaming systems and games, laptops and tablets and iPads, high-end cameras, and much more.
Take a look at our interview with South Salem Business District and you can see the items Capital Pawn pays cash for on a regular basis. As a matter of fact, did you know that the Capital of the Capital Pawn name means cash? In fact, investopedia.com defines capital as
1. Financial assets or the financial value of assets, such as cash
While capital can mean various things, it depends on context and spelling. If one googles capital, this is the result:
1. The most important city or town of a country or region, usually its seat of government and administrative center
2. Wealth in the form of money or other assets owned by a person or organization available or contributed for a particular purpose such as starting a company or investing
Capital Pawn is situated in Salem, the capital city of Oregon, and Capital Pawn is in the business of loaning capital, cash, to individuals and small businesses. Our name is twofold: city of the seat of government and cash!
Let’s define the word pawn as well, so we have the whole of Capital Pawn defined. Pawn means to pledge; to loan; an item held as security in exchange for cash or capital (there’s that word again).
So there you have it: Capital Pawn means Money to Loan! A fun fact, however, is that we also buy many valuable items from the public and we sell everything from stunning wedding sets to iPads. If you haven’t taken a look at the video yet, do so and note the background; we buy, sell, loan, and trade a wide variety of items, so come on down and take a look around in person!!